Monday, January 16, 2012

Trusting a person isn't that easy ...

Trust, a simple word to be said but has lots of strings attached to it. A person who is there with you for years may break your trust but another you know only for a couple of weeks may keep up to it. Life basically needs to be understood as the projection by a person must not be the only base on which we can the judge the limit to which he/she can be trusted.
But what does breaking someone's trust imply? Is it just sharing your secrets with someone else????
certainly not!  It may even imply behaving completely opposite to the expectations of your close ones or doing/hiding things from them just because you might hurt him/her.
Whiling away for a time is something considerable, but a long-time involvement in something which has its roots to the breaking of trust cant simply be tolerated. But yes, there is even a way to express yourself in front of the person who has broken your trust. That is because the person might have even done it out of having no option, not out of the feeling to hurt you. First things first, the person owes you a silent clarification about why he/she did it. After that, if you feel you may react the way you wish to depending on how you find out the clarification.

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