Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How much important is "possessiveness" in a relationship?

Well...a basic fundamental of life which we come upon at some or the other time in our life,a feeling imbibed deep within our heart and instigated by our mind, a feeling which results in many catastrophes or maybe lead to stronger relations.
But what do we consider it as is completely one's own opinion. A person on one side may feel the possessiveness of his loved one to hamper his freedom. He eventually gets tired of it and finds reasons for doing things the other person doesn't like and gradually ends up in telling lies; just because he doesn't want to mess up with his relation neither does he wish to lose his freedom.
On the other side , lack of possessiveness may even result in an empty relation, implying that both the people are enjoying their very own freedom because there is no interference of your close one.But at a later stage, one of the person may even get a thought as "Is this person really concerned about me?". And the worst part is when this question arises, because in spite of having such a doubt in your mind you cannot go and confront your close one-because this is what you asked for yourself!

Freedom should not be completely linked with possessiveness, its something how we define it. Freedom can be enjoyed just with a little modifications in our definition, taking out some parts which essentially hamper our relation and the rest remains with us. In plain simple words, I personally believe that there should be some amount of possessiveness in every relation . This helps in maintaining ups and downs in a relation and also to understand each other better. It further facilitates us to keep track of each others life and prevent any misunderstandings which may arise due to insufficient knowledge about each others activities.
But yes, finally this is my personal opinion and it may differ from person to person. I would like to further hear if someone has a different viewpoint on this


  1. Possessiveness is generated automatically in love. Moreover, it can harm the relationship if in excess.I feel its one of the quotients(used in limit) in maintaining and balancing love life.
